Brian Vike's Note: Thank you to the serviceman who sent this information into me, I would really like to hear from any other serviceman or woman who served at the Loring, AFB who had witnessed the objects over the base, or who may have knowledge of these sightings.
I do have a number of reports from serviceman on the UFO incidents from Loring. You welcome to email Brian Vike at: b_vike@telus.net or sighting@telus.net.
Any names that are provided in the report below have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals.
Brian, I just came across the information concerning the Loring incident. In October of 1975 I was working at Loring in the WSA. I know of nothing first hand - if you are still interested I would be glad to pass on what I can remember that was second hand.
Additional Information:
Brian, that was a very long time ago and my memory of what happened is far from clear. I was an NCO assigned to SRAM maintenance in the Integrated Maintenance Facility in the Weapons Storage Area.
I lived in Base House at Presque Isle (this was actually a former Air Force Facility that they had retained the housing).
There were three of us (from Presque Isle) that car pooled together, one named (Ben) who worked in the same building as I and the other (whose name I can't recall) worked in a building adjacent to the weapon storage area.
I believe it was some sort of logistic function. The weapons storage area was very remote from the rest of the base and the logistic group was the only other group near the weapons storage area.
As I recall the actual weapon storage area we used was a small section of a much larger storage area.
The part we didn't use was abandoned and we were sectioned off by a separate fence. There were also a few abandoned buildings within the weapon storage area that were also abandoned and separately fenced off.
One in particular comes to mind that was completely sealed, no windows and the door welded shut. I believe their were numerous other abandoned buildings near the older abandoned part of the weapons storage area.
At any rate as I recall the incidents (the visits from the UFO) occurred over a few nights. I believe I became aware of these from our car pooler who worked in logistics. He seemed to be aware of more of what was going on.
I don't believe he was assigned to the 42nd munitions maintenance as we normally had limited contact with the rest of the base although most of the personnel lived on base.
On the morning of the last/most significant visit I probably was with the early group at the guard gate that walked up to our facility, possibly I may have been the one who stated that their must of been another UFO.
I believe the car pooler from the logistics' group may have told us about the earlier events and at some point indicated that it was a helicopter (of course he had not seen it and was only telling us what he had been told).
I can recall the discussions about the security police asking to shoot at it and being told not to despite the UFO about sitting on one of the weapons storage structures (Igloo).
I also recall the commanding officer (I don't recall if it was the base commander or munitions squadron commander) coming to the weapons storage area while the UFO was there or just after. I believe the security police may have told me that.
I don't recall being called up to the squadron headquarters and being told that anything, but I probably just don't remember that. I think the car pooler from the logistics group had told us that they had obtained/ordered some type of flares that they were going to use to deter the helicopter if it came back.
I don't recall anything about Air Force helicopters being brought in, but I may not have been aware of that or just don't remember.
I thought a group of fighter aircraft were assigned to the base following this last incident and were there because of the incident, presumably to react in the even of another visit. But of course that a long time ago and my memory could be flawed.
I hope this is of some use. If you have questions please feel free to ask me.
Thank you very much to the person who sent in the important information.
If anyone has witnessed the object, please send me an email with details of what you saw. Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City – State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
Vike Factor Note: I do receive sighting reports from everywhere in the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here: http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: v_factor_paranormal@live.com or b_vike@telus.net
The Vike Factor - Houston, British Columbia Centre For UFO Research. Canadian UFO Investigator Brian Vike.
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